Chirps and Trills: The Complete Finch Bird Sound Collection


Ash Breasted Sierra Finch

Listen to the Ash Breasted Sierra Finch sound

Band Tailed Sierra Finch

Listen to the Band Tailed Sierra Finch sound

Bay Chested Warbling Finch

Listen to the Bay Chested Warbling Finch sound

Black And Rufous Warbling Finch

Listen to the Black And Rufous Warbling Finch sound

Black Billed Seed Finch

Listen to the Black Billed Seed Finch sound

Black Capped Warbling Finch

Listen to the Black Capped Warbling Finch sound

Black Headed Greenfinch

Listen to the Black Headed Greenfinch sound

Black Hooded Sierra Finch

Listen to the Black Hooded Sierra Finch sound

Black Masked Finch

Listen to the Black Masked Finch sound

Black Rosy Finch

Listen to the Black Rosy Finch sound

Bright Rumped Yellow Finch

Listen to the Bright Rumped Yellow Finch sound

Brown Capped Rosy Finch

Listen to the Brown Capped Rosy Finch sound

Buff Bridled Inca Finch

Listen to the Buff Bridled Inca Finch sound


Listen to the Bullfinch sound

Cactus Finch

Listen to the Cactus Finch sound

Cassins Finch

Listen to the Cassins Finch sound

Chestnut Breasted Mountain Finch

Listen to the Chestnut Breasted Mountain Finch sound

Chestnut Capped Brush Finch

Listen to the Chestnut Capped Brush Finch sound

Cinereous Finch

Listen to the Cinereous Finch sound

Cinereous Warbling Finch

Listen to the Cinereous Warbling Finch sound

Cinnamon Warbling Finch

Listen to the Cinnamon Warbling Finch sound

Citril Finch

Listen to the Citril Finch sound

Citron Headed Yellow Finch

Listen to the Citron Headed Yellow Finch sound

Coal Crested Finch

Listen to the Coal Crested Finch sound

Collared Warbling Finch

Listen to the Collared Warbling Finch sound

Crimson Winged Finch

Listen to the Crimson Winged Finch sound

Diuca Finch

Listen to the Diuca Finch sound

Fulvous Headed Brush Finch

Listen to the Fulvous Headed Brush Finch sound


Listen to the Goldfinch sound

Grassland Yellow Finch

Listen to the Grassland Yellow Finch sound

Great Billed Seed Finch

Listen to the Great Billed Seed Finch sound

Great Inca Finch

Listen to the Great Inca Finch sound

Great Pampa Finch

Listen to the Great Pampa Finch sound

Greater Yellow Finch

Listen to the Greater Yellow Finch sound

Green Striped Brush Finch

Listen to the Green Striped Brush Finch sound


Listen to the Greenfinch sound

Greenish Yellow Finch

Listen to the Greenish Yellow Finch sound

Grey Cheeked Grass Finch

Listen to the Grey Cheeked Grass Finch sound

Grey Crested Finch

Listen to the Grey Crested Finch sound

Grey Crowned Rosy Finch

Listen to the Grey Crowned Rosy Finch sound

Grey Hooded Sierra Finch

Listen to the Grey Hooded Sierra Finch sound

Grey Winged Inca Finch

Listen to the Grey Winged Inca Finch sound


Listen to the Hawfinch sound

House Finch

Listen to the House Finch sound

Jamesons Firefinch

Listen to the Jamesons Firefinch sound

Large Billed Seed Finch

Listen to the Large Billed Seed Finch sound

Large Footed Finch

Listen to the Large Footed Finch sound

Large Tree Finch

Listen to the Large Tree Finch sound

Lawrences Goldfinch

Listen to the Lawrences Goldfinch sound

Laysan Finch

Listen to the Laysan Finch sound

Lesser Goldfinch

Listen to the Lesser Goldfinch sound

Lesser Seed Finch

Listen to the Lesser Seed Finch sound

Little Inca Finch

Listen to the Little Inca Finch sound

Long Tailed Reed Finch

Listen to the Long Tailed Reed Finch sound

Mangrove Finch

Listen to the Mangrove Finch sound

Many Coloured Chaco Finch

Listen to the Many Coloured Chaco Finch sound

Medium Ground Finch

Listen to the Medium Ground Finch sound

Medium Tree Finch

Listen to the Medium Tree Finch sound

Mourning Sierra Finch

Listen to the Mourning Sierra Finch sound

Moustached Brush Finch

Listen to the Moustached Brush Finch sound

Nihoa Finch

Listen to the Nihoa Finch sound

Ochre Breasted Brush Finch

Listen to the Ochre Breasted Brush Finch sound

Olive Finch

Listen to the Olive Finch sound

Olive Headed Brush Finch

Listen to the Olive Headed Brush Finch sound

Orange Fronted Yellow Finch

Listen to the Orange Fronted Yellow Finch sound

Pale Headed Brush Finch

Listen to the Pale Headed Brush Finch sound

Pale Naped Brush Finch

Listen to the Pale Naped Brush Finch sound

Pale Throated Pampa Finch

Listen to the Pale Throated Pampa Finch sound

Patagonian Sierra Finch

Listen to the Patagonian Sierra Finch sound

Peg Billed Finch

Listen to the Peg Billed Finch sound

Peruvian Sierra Finch

Listen to the Peruvian Sierra Finch sound

Pileated Finch

Listen to the Pileated Finch sound

Pin Tailed Parrotfinch

Listen to the Pin Tailed Parrotfinch sound

Pink Browed Rosefinch

Listen to the Pink Browed Rosefinch sound

Pink Rumped Rosefinch

Listen to the Pink Rumped Rosefinch sound

Plain Tailed Warbling Finch

Listen to the Plain Tailed Warbling Finch sound

Plumbeous Sierra Finch

Listen to the Plumbeous Sierra Finch sound

Puna Yellow Finch

Listen to the Puna Yellow Finch sound

Purple Finch

Listen to the Purple Finch sound

Raimondis Yellow Finch

Listen to the Raimondis Yellow Finch sound

Red Backed Sierra Finch

Listen to the Red Backed Sierra Finch sound

Red Crested Finch

Listen to the Red Crested Finch sound

Red Headed Finch

Listen to the Red Headed Finch sound

Red Mantled Rosefinch

Listen to the Red Mantled Rosefinch sound

Red Rumped Warbling Finch

Listen to the Red Rumped Warbling Finch sound

Ringed Warbling Finch

Listen to the Ringed Warbling Finch sound


Listen to the Rosefinch sound

Rufous Breasted Warbling Finch

Listen to the Rufous Breasted Warbling Finch sound

Rufous Capped Brush Finch

Listen to the Rufous Capped Brush Finch sound

Rufous Eared Brush Finch

Listen to the Rufous Eared Brush Finch sound

Rufous Naped Brush Finch

Listen to the Rufous Naped Brush Finch sound

Rufous Sided Warbling Finch

Listen to the Rufous Sided Warbling Finch sound

Rusty Bellied Brush Finch

Listen to the Rusty Bellied Brush Finch sound

Rusty Browed Warbling Finch

Listen to the Rusty Browed Warbling Finch sound

Saffron Finch

Listen to the Saffron Finch sound

Santa Marta Brush Finch

Listen to the Santa Marta Brush Finch sound

Short Tailed Finch

Listen to the Short Tailed Finch sound

Slaty Brush Finch

Listen to the Slaty Brush Finch sound

Slaty Finch

Listen to the Slaty Finch sound

Slender Billed Finch

Listen to the Slender Billed Finch sound

Small Ground Finch

Listen to the Small Ground Finch sound

Small Tree Finch

Listen to the Small Tree Finch sound

Snow Finch

Listen to the Snow Finch sound

St Lucia Black Finch

Listen to the St Lucia Black Finch sound

Stripe Headed Brush Finch

Listen to the Stripe Headed Brush Finch sound

Stripe Tailed Yellow Finch

Listen to the Stripe Tailed Yellow Finch sound

Tanager Finch

Listen to the Tanager Finch sound

Tepui Brush Finch

Listen to the Tepui Brush Finch sound

Tricoloured Brush Finch

Listen to the Tricoloured Brush Finch sound

Tricoloured Parrotfinch

Listen to the Tricoloured Parrotfinch sound

Trumpeter Finch

Listen to the Trumpeter Finch sound

Tucuman Mountain Finch

Listen to the Tucuman Mountain Finch sound

Uniform Finch

Listen to the Uniform Finch sound

Vegetarian Finch

Listen to the Vegetarian Finch sound

Vietnam Greenfinch

Listen to the Vietnam Greenfinch sound

Vinaceous Rosefinch

Listen to the Vinaceous Rosefinch sound

Warbler Finch

Listen to the Warbler Finch sound

Wedge Tailed Grass Finch

Listen to the Wedge Tailed Grass Finch sound

White Browed Rosefinch

Listen to the White Browed Rosefinch sound

White Cheeked Bullfinch

Listen to the White Cheeked Bullfinch sound

White Headed Brush Finch

Listen to the White Headed Brush Finch sound

White Naped Brush Finch

Listen to the White Naped Brush Finch sound

White Rimmed Brush Finch

Listen to the White Rimmed Brush Finch sound

White Throated Sierra Finch

Listen to the White Throated Sierra Finch sound

White Winged Brush Finch

Listen to the White Winged Brush Finch sound

White Winged Diuca Finch

Listen to the White Winged Diuca Finch sound

Woodpecker Finch

Listen to the Woodpecker Finch sound

Yellow Billed Blue Finch

Listen to the Yellow Billed Blue Finch sound

Yellow Breasted Greenfinch

Listen to the Yellow Breasted Greenfinch sound

Yellow Bridled Finch

Listen to the Yellow Bridled Finch sound

Yellow Green Finch

Listen to the Yellow Green Finch sound

Yellow Striped Brush Finch

Listen to the Yellow Striped Brush Finch sound

Yellow Thighed Finch

Listen to the Yellow Thighed Finch sound

Zebra Finch

Listen to the Zebra Finch sound

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