Eagle Bird Sounds: A Collection of Calls from the Eagle Family


Tawny Eagle


Listen to the Tawny Eagle sound

Golden Eagle


Listen to the Golden Eagle sound

Black Chested Snake Eagle

Listen to the Black Chested Snake Eagle sound

Crested Serpent Eagle

Listen to the Crested Serpent Eagle sound

Short Toed Snake Eagle

Listen to the Short Toed Snake Eagle sound

Booted Eagle

Listen to the Booted Eagle sound

Black Hawk Eagle

Listen to the Black Hawk Eagle sound

Papuan Eagle

Listen to the Papuan Eagle sound

Black Eagle

Listen to the Black Eagle sound

Rufous Bellied Eagle

Listen to the Rufous Bellied Eagle sound

Spanish Imperial Eagle

Listen to the Spanish Imperial Eagle sound

White Tailed Eagle

Listen to the White Tailed Eagle sound

Solitary Eagle

Listen to the Solitary Eagle sound

Montane Solitary Eagle

Listen to the Montane Solitary Eagle sound

Black Chested Buzzard Eagle


Listen to the Black Chested Buzzard Eagle sound

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